Endodontists at Dr. Gupta Dental Clinic are experienced, efficient and trusted caregivers. The surgeons are well-trained and are knowledgeable
in the usage of the latest equipment to treat patients quickly and comfortably. They are proficient in fixing and saving diseased teeth.
As teeth-savers, they are valuable members of the dentist team.
Root canal treatments: One of the primary therapeutic roles of endodontics is root canal treatments.
After careful removal of the pulp of the tooth, the inner surface of the tooth is cleaned, shaped and filled with protective material
to seal the opening. Capping and placing of the crown on the tooth prevent further damage and degeneration.
Surgery: Endodontists are skillfully endowed to perform hemisections (removal of part or half of a
tooth), apicoectomies (amputating the root of the tooth) and in some cases where a tooth has to be removed from the mouth for oral
treatment and replaced back into the socket. Tooth replacement procedures are done especially to save the patient’s tooth.
Pain Relief: Inexplicable pain in the face, jaw, and mouth are redirected to the endodontist due to
their expertise in the field. They possess the equipment as well as the experience to diagnose hidden problems and treat them. Typically
severe pains are caused due to infections, growths in the mouth and cracked tooth. These are determined by the endodontist and
prescriptive medications are provided to relieve the pain.
Fractured teeth:
Dental fractures require emergency treatment that can be provided only by a trained endodontist or dentist. Temporizing measures are
administered to avoid adverse results. Treatment of dental fractures requires knowledge, skill, expertise and a trained endodontist or
dentist who can treat dental injuries. The intraoral lacerations are thoroughly examined for tooth fragments so that chronic infection
is averted.
Avulsed tooth:
Avulsed tooth is an aesthetically displeasing and a very trying situation for an individual. An avulsed tooth ultimately requires root
canal treatment to minimize periodontal damage and infection of the pulp. Ignoring avulsion of a tooth for long periods can result in
misalignment due to shifting of teeth. Pulp necrosis and hypoxia are some results of avulsed tooth. Endodontics provides all treatments
for avulsed tooth.
Pulp polyp:
Proliferative pulpitis or hyperplastic pulpitis is a type of inflammatory hyperplasia which is a fairly uncommon occurrence. Pulpitis
can be reversible and irreversible. Noxious stimulus is removed and the pulp is returned back to its healthy state in the reversible
pulpitis. Usually, the modalities of treatment chosen are tooth extraction and root canal treatment both of which are done by the
Pulp Stone:
Pulp stones are endoliths that present as discrete calcified masses found in the dental pulp chamber. They are either embedded in the
dentin or exist freely. The sizes and number of stones vary depending on the basis of the structure or on the basis of location.
One tooth could contain up to 12 stones. They usually pose as a hindrance to root canal treatment. Pulp stones are surgically dissected
or removed using ultrasonic endodontic tips.